Saturday, January 26, 2013

After All

Sometimes you just have to shout at her when she's wrong.
You just have to grab her arm and kiss her and tell her not to do it twice. She can't hear or listen to your midnight tears when you don't say it. You can't expect her to tender your loneliness when you just bother to tell. You can act like you're kind, like you're sincere, but acquires more than that. It should be mutual. Since your happiness is hers. And that's never a lie. She will be extremely happy to see you do good in your exams, she probably can't tell but she's always proud of you, your achievements, your knowledges and attentions toward stuffs. She can't stop telling people how sweet you are, how lovely you are, but again, you just don't know it. Just like how you can't ask her to be kinder when you are in rough time.
Sometimes you need to wrap her in your arms and tell her that things she does sometimes hurt. She won't mind, she will listen. But you never try to tell.
Love encourages, love educates, love gets you to be a better person. You say you love her but all you do is turning her into someone who seems heartless. Not by fulfilling every demanding shots and spoiled whining.
Ask her to understand you.
Shared understanding.
Whisper to her that you need her to be more tolerant.
Caress her and bring her your smile when you can. While you can't.. simply hold her and say you're not having a good day.
Let her understand you can be upset and you need her to fight this world.
If she loves you, she will understand.
She will reduce the voice of spoiled whining. She stops being so demanding and she helps you to grow. She's gonna be there so you don't fight your world alone.
But when she is, when she tries, don't get her hopes broken, don't take her trials for granted, don't reject her for being nice.
It's just she can't see yourself for being weak alone, she's supposed to be there to get you stronger. She should encourage you to fulfill your dream.
Because of what? She always takes you as you are, you just deny to see it.
Before sleeping, she recalls when the last time she sees your smile. When she rejected your phone call, she just didn't want to upset you to fall asleep between the call. In every cup of Starbucks she ordered, she always wrote your name. Again, you never know it.
She didn't return a form not because of anything else, but because it was your birthday..and she was afraid she could not manage it. You might think she takes you for granted, but she well.. believes that you're God sent to enlighten her days, she is always grateful.
You say you sacrificed, well, when she tries to do her part, don't break her heart, don't tear her apart.
After all, she just loves you as much as you love her.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

your  blog just dropping by on this my blog-----

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

welcome 2013 and happy aniversary

helloo blogg welcome 2013 yaaa.....
menyambut tahun baru ini gue rasa beda banget. yang biasanya setiap malam tahun baru gue ga pernah keluar dan gue cuma bisa rayain sendiri aja. tapi kali ini beda, dwi ngajak gue keluar yaa walopun awalnya sulit banget buat keluar karena hujan dan papa susah banget nagsih lampu hijau.

sekitar pukul 20.15 mamah udah ngebolehin kita buat keluar, di rumah yang udah ada dwi siap2 buat pergi langsung pasang muka senyum dengan mata sipitnya itu, ohh manis banget tuhan.
gue langsumg ganti baju, niatnya mau nyocokin pake baju yang sama ahaaa rada alay sih tapi ga apa asal yuhuuuu eh tapi sayangnya karena itu diburu2 jadi gue pake baju yg ada di paling atas tumpukan baju aja haha siyaaaal-___-

blablablaa........... kita beli jagung manis bakar, beli jeruk hangat..... seneng banget dan waktu itu ngga kerasa banget udah jam 23.45 aja.... dwi nganterin gue pulang dan dijalan udah banyak banget bunga2 kembang api di atas langit, dan itu lo tauuuu indaaaaah banget. gue berdua dijalan liat kembang api itu, kita berhenti sebentar buat ngeabadiin momen ini
bahagianya luar biasa saat ituu...

dan heloooo hari besoknya kan tanggal 1, kita aniversary..... aniv kita dirayain banyak orang dong. seneng bangeeeeeeeet dan ga akan pernah terlupakan...
i love you sayang :-*

2012 a reflection

Hi. I'm doomed for writing since I hardly ever do that again. Everything consumes me a lot lately, but I guess writing will still always be my sanctuary, so I come back.

Some expectations turn out SO great, thank You, God.. I know You always listen.

Well, we're just human. We make mistakes, we laugh a lot, we weep over good romantic movies, we smile because of anyone else, we read good books though sometimes we don't get the whole point, we write some poems we never show it to others, we end certain good friendships with certain people because they finally can not make it as good friends, or probably they want more than just friends..and we aren't likely to have it with them, we sing a song loudly in our way back home after an one fine day, we love like we've never been hurt, we put a great hope every morning, we wish upon a star, we choose our own dreams, we take hints of every good omen, we sip a cup of delicate coffee between works, we give up caffeine but still buying frappe with a non-fat milk but topped with whipped cream, we color our dreams black and white, we simply choose to live in the moment..being present, we accept people just the way they are, because? we are all just human.

2012 never literally passing by, the moments are all precious that I wish I could capture all of the scenes in between. It's not just another year, great people coming along, short encounter, huge dreams, good insights, random luck.. but all are marvelous. Thank You, God